We will help to examine the fundamentals, content equity as well as the overall current performance of the website. Thereafter, we could determine a performance a optimization plan on both technical and content aciton plan.
A well structured sitemap make it easier for visitors to navigate. Visitor should be able to navigate within your website at ease. The segmentation of topics must be clear. Content and Visual presentation should stimulate interset and maintain a high level of relevance.
A website is regularly being update. At times, certain URLs or Articles are being missed managed. Managing redirects and error pages properly could improve quality score and website authority.
Broken Links
Broken links are commonly seen on CMS with a long operating history. Visitors are search enginer does not like broken links. It is best to work closely with your search engines to update your sitemap. You could also redirect this to a more relevant topic within your website.
Content Audit
Building relevant landing content and unique content improves your search rankings. Search engines penalised content that are irrelevant or they were simplied copied and pasted from the web. Thin content and dubplicate content should be properly manage.
Loading Optimization
The utmost important facts to consider are loading speed and mobile friendiness. A fast loading speed decreases bounce rate by double digits. Thre is a growing number of netizens using mobile to navigate your website. Deliever the best experience to your visitors anytime, anywhere!
Keyword Management
Search keywords on website and on advertisments needs to be regularly monitor and adjust for optimized performance i.e. ROI. Irrelevant keywords are to be removed. Up-trend and relevant keywords could be consider to respective ad campaigns for better hit rate.
Campaign Design
We help our customers to take care of the overall visual and contextual communication design. From requirement drafting to design, approval and going live. We work in harmony with our customer to share the work load. So each of us could focus more on our core compentency.
Content Preparation
Accurate tracking and reporting helps to build powerful business intelligence. Conduct a thorough study and collect the data you need today for tomorrow.